Monday, October 7, 2013

Toning Brassy Hair

Hey everyone!,

I wanted to make this post all about toning brassy hair. A few weeks ago I bleached my hair blonde and was left with some yellow-orangey tones. So I decided to tone it. I followed some advice from Silvia of Ellebangs on youtube (she is a professional hairdresser). She is awesome you should check her out especially if you plan on going blonde!

I mixed two different Wella toners:

T18 (lightest ash blonde

And T11 (lightest beige blonde)

I used equal parts of each of these and mixed it with two parts 20 volume developer. I bought a basic developer from Sally's. Following the instructions on the Wella toner I towel dried my hair before applying.  I left it on my hair for around 30 minutes. But I checked my hair every ten minutes to see how the color was developing. With toners don't be scared if it looks purple or dark its just the tint that is being added to your hair it won't turn out that way :) 
Here are my results:
I love how its cooler and less brassy. In order to maintain this color I will probably have to tone it every 3 weeks or so depending on how quickly those dreaded brassy tones return. 

Here is a video showing what I used and the results:

I hope you enjoyed! Are any of you planning on going blonde?? What are your favorite toners?

Kelley Xx

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Autumn is Awesome Tag

Hey guys!,

I told you I would be back! So...the other night on Youtube I watched Rachel's (87daysbefore) tag video titled Autumn is Awesome. Here is her channel link in case you don't know her but I'm sure you do because she is awesome and a winged liner god. Rachel's Channel Anyway she created this tag herself and I thought it was super fun! I posted a video of my answers here:
Here are the questions:
1. favorite/least favorite thing about fall?
2. favorite clothing item for fall?
3. favorite makeup trend for fall?
4. favorite fall food/drink?
5. fall tv show premiere you're looking forward to most?
6. favorite fall tradition?

I tag all of you!! Please leave your answers as a comment on this post or a link to your blog! I'd love to see your answers :)

Kelley Xx

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Hey Everyone,

I know it has been such a long time since I've been on here. But I wanted to share with you guys that I have finally made a Youtube account. I've been wanting to start one for the longest time and now I finally did it!! It would mean the world to me if you check it out and if you like what you see please subscribe!! Its been a lot of fun filming and creating videos. I hope you enjoy them!

I'm thinking I will give this blog a much overdue update and post my videos directly on here!

KelleyBeauty23 <- youtube channel link :)


TinK xX